The Mark 1 extendo is completed now, and it appears mostly to work (see attached image).
"Mostly" reflects how (in my 2/10 at least) the card fits in slots 1 and 2 but not slot 3, where it can't be inserted all the way. I'm not quite sure why this is. I don't use Slot 3 very much in my 2/10 --- the network card fits there, but that DMA test card I bought doesn't quite fit either. (This is an annoyance since Slot 3 is the best place to put a card that does DMA.) I think my own card is maybe about half a millimetre too wide and needs to be trimmed, but I'm not certain.
My card design also needs to be filed down about 0.5mm just in front of the card-edge connector.
Another aspect of "mostly" is that my RESET/ button is ill-conceived---I had assumed that I could use a pushbutton and a resistor to pull down RESET/ and reset the computer. Instead, it appears that (a) RESET/ can't be used that way, it's mostly an input that tells an expansion card to reset itself, and (b) if I wanted to wire RESET/ somewhere, I ought to have wired it to pull RESET/ up to +5VStdby, which can turn on the computer! (Didn't we previously wonder whether an expansion card could turn on the Lisa? Apparently it can, according to page 3-11 of the
1983 hardware manual.)
So what happens if you momentarily pull down RESET/ through a 1 kohm resistor? Well, the screen gets very bright and a bit smeared, but otherwise the Lisa runs normally. Huh. Resetting it with the
real reset button brings the computer back to normal.
As a final amendment to the design for Mark 2, I'll probably just get rid of my big fills, which are not there for any particular reason and (as private feedback pointed out to me) may mostly just act as antennas.