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Office System 1.2


Happy Office System Day (7/7). (It's already Thursday here, but even so.)

I found some deserialised Twiggy disk images for Office System 1.2 kicking around my Google Drive. I don't recall where I got them --- it looks like I found them online in a .zip file sometime in 2012-2014. Feel free to check them out here:

I installed the OS and all the tools* on a simulated ProFile; the raw disk image is here:
Note that this is a Cameo/Aphid-style raw disk image (may also work with IDLE): converting to BLU or to .dc42 is not all that hard, but it's already late here :)

I haven't tried running the tools or examining the examples, but the install happened without trouble. (A bit odd that the LisaGraph disk image is a bit truncated, but it doesn't seem to matter; just hit 'Y' when BLU warns you about it.)

Speaking of images, this is the first time I've ever thought to point a temperature sensor at the side of a Lisa. Classic Steve Jobs no-fan result, I think (see attached).

* ETA: except not LisaTerminal, which IIRC was something 1.2 was supposed to facilitate in a way 1.0 couldn't, but it may have been sold separately.


A found a Pascal interface on those disk images. It could be useful for someone trying to document the file system. I attached it to this post.

Here's a little excerpt from it:

--- Code: ---DirNBlocks = 4;
IORsltWd = (INoError, IBadBlock, IBadUnit, IBadMode, ITimeOut,
ILostUnit, ILostFile, IBadTitle, INoRoom, INoUnit,
INoFile, IDupFile, INotClosed, INotOpen, IBadFormat,
IStrgOvfl, IWrProt, IDevError, INoDirSpace);
--- End code ---


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