Thank you both.
Something is still not right with how this $FE00B8 subroutine is executed in LisaEm. Increasing the D1 value makes the pauses, not the sounds, longer. Duration of notes remains very short.
Also, the last note played is always quiet, regardless of the value of D2.
The code below is supposed to play 4 notes, each subsequent separated by an octave from the previous one (half the frequency), each 1-second long, and each with increasing volume. But only the pitches seem to work as expected; the duration is always very short, and the last note's volume is very low.
ORG $800
MOVE.b #10,D0
MOVE.l #2000,D1
MOVE.b #$4,D2
MOVE.b #20,D0
MOVE.l #2000,D1
MOVE.b #$6,D2
MOVE.b #40,D0
MOVE.l #2000,D1
MOVE.b #$8,D2
MOVE.b #80,D0
MOVE.l #2000,D1
MOVE.b #$A,D2
Later in the week I'll try the same on my Windows machine, and next week on an actual Lisa as suggested.