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Author Topic: DART can be used to restore DiskCopy 4.2 images with bad checksums  (Read 11176 times)


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    • LisaEm

Found something useful today.
DART can open and restore Disk Copy 4.2 disk images which have bad checksums.
Disk Copy 4.2 will refuse to write disk images whose checksums are wrong, but if instead you run DART, you can click on the File-Open menu item, or even click on DART file, and open a Disk Copy image instead of a DART image.
It will warn you at the end after ejecting the disk, that the checksum doesn't match, but it will make the floppy anyway.
So it's still useful to have DART around.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2022, 07:32:10 pm by rayarachelian »
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