From: everyone,
The original, and frankly overly optimistic, release date I set when I launched this project was for the fall of 2019. That was just a few months after wrapping up all of the travel and interviews. Needless to say, we're coming up on three years later. Fall 2022 starts in two weeks this month! I'm not going to let this film be delayed any longer, and my Associate Producer isn't going to either. Again, he's Steven from the Mac84 YouTube channel. Him and I will be meeting in-person for the first time at the Vintage Computer Festival Midwest 17, which is coming up this weekend in the Chicago area.
http://vcfmw.orgWe're going to finalize the re-edited part one together and try to finalize most of part two, as I move into editing down the largest part of the film, part three, which is about, "The Lisa today." It's still more about its significance and as a collectible. So lots of talk and information from many collectors and most everyone interviewed. Good documentaries should always answer an important question, "why should I care?" We are all still living in the personal computing interface paradigm that was foundational set by the Apple Lisa.
My hope was that I could have the whole thing almost ready for release in time for the show, but it's at least moving along, if slowly. Steven and I will also be giving a presentation, and we'll show some clips not in the film. I will release these to you, my supporters, just before that Saturday evening. You all will always have firsts on anything. So thank you again for all of the patience and continued good vibes of support.