Nothing useful yet. The last bits of code before this happen turn on VIA1 IRQ for CA1, then there's a time delay, then when the vertical retrace happens, the ISR for autovector 1 is either not loaded or is in a bad page, so a bus error occurs, but the bus error vector is zero, so it dies.
The only odd thing is this MMU mismatch warning, but when I check on the RAM dump and MMU dump, I see they all have valid values, and the MMU cache matches the MMU registers, so not sure what's wrong. (look for *MISMATCH*)
I don't think LisaTest sets up a vector for bus errors and so this is an unexpected event. The real question then is why this IRQ happened and wasn't handled. Though I do see some code before the mismatches that seems to copy low RAM elsewhere, so perhaps it was getting ready to test low memory before this happened.
I do see some of the code winds up executing with the high address byte set (on the Lisa and pre-32 bit clean Macs the high address byte is ignored, and is used for flags. It does look like LOS uses this too and some of that is addressed in 1.2.7, but I don't see any obvious thing that I can point at and say where things went wrong to cause the bus error to be triggered, so whatever the bug is, it's still hidden.
Here's a bit of the cleaned up tracelog, as well as a larger uncleaned one twoards the end, but I don't know what else is useful there.