How substantially does the time to format a compact flash card in an X/Profile in a Lisa 2/10 differ from OS to OS? I'm currently formatting a 256MB STAR partition on a Sandisk CF card using MacWorks 1.1h (System 6.0.2). The estimate in the Operation Manual (given for a 2/10 with MW+II) is 38 minutes and I think I've been waiting around two hours now. The Operation manual says
Formatting/initialization times may be substantially longer under other operating systems and with different IDE devices.
which is fair enough. However, I'm a little concerned because my setup seems similar enough to the example; I can't imagine MW+II is so radically different from 1.1h that there would be such a discrepancy in writing speed. Also, I'm using a type 8 STAR, so the performance should be better. The mouse cursor is responsive, and the display dims after a few minutes of inactivity and brightens when I move the mouse, so at the very least there's no obvious sign of trouble. 
Unless you can see that the X/ProFile is no longer processing commands (which would be indicated by the display chase sequence proceeding uninterrupted, with no flashing of the activity indicators), I suggest you give it another couple of hours.
MW+II is actually substantially different from MW+ in some ways. For this particular issue, I believe the data transfer portion of the profile driver was improved, which would have a noticeable effect when writing every sector on a largish disk.
I don't recall what device was used for the example timing in the manual, but I suspect it was a rotating hard drive, which would be slower than a CF card for random reads, but potentially quite a bit faster for writing consecutive sectors as when formatting.
Once you do have the STAR formatted, consider duplicating it using the X/ProFile's Copy function, as that will be faster than formatting again if you ever need to.
If you do decide to interrupt it, initialize a 5MB STAR and time how long it takes to format on that particular device, then you can calculate the time to format a 256MB STAR on the same device (by multiplying by 256/5 = 51 times longer)