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WTB: Lisa Power Supply Unit

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Looking to buy a working Lisa PSU in case anyone has one for sale. Can be either the original for the Lisa 2/5 or the 2/10's 1.8A DataPower unit (preferred). Thanks in advance  8)

Alternatively, if anyone has the ability to repair my 1.8A unit, I would certainly like to enlist his services. I've re-capped it to no avail, however.

fwiw, I had fought some PS issues a while back (see post in 68kmla)

I solved the issue by changing the pulse width modulator chip Z2 (SG3524)

I repaired my own 1.8A PSU the exact same way.

But what do you observe about your broken PSU? How does it not work?

Thank you, gents! Mine was working just fine until a week or so again and then... lifeless. No activity whatsoever when the power button is pressed. Confirmed that it's the PS after swapping in a working Datapower unit. I'm not sure what changed?

Will follow the other thread and investigate further. Thanks again.


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