Silly question but does your PSU replacement provide a reliable +5V standby power? I'm wondering if your RTC and parameter RAM are taking on random/invalid values each time you restore power after turning the machine off.
A different but very related question: do you find that the Error 47 occurs with an original PSU after you unplug the Lisa and plug it back in?
It does provide reliable power that keeps the time, startup disk settings, etc. Unless you use its built-in power switch - in which case it cuts power to the machine entirely (resetting the time).
Error 47 never appears with the original PSU under any circumstances.
James M. kindly suggested that Error 47 could indicate a malfunction, and that the +5v rail could be drooping below spec during the cold boot and generating the error. He suggested removing one of the memory boards to see if that helped. While I was in there, I removed both the secondary memory board (a 1.5MB RamStak) and the LisaDAC. I can confirm with certainty that the
LisaDAC is causing the issue. Removing it resolves Error 47 with the new PSU entirely.
So, to my untrained eye, it seems the LisaDAC is just a little too power hungry for the new PSU. Everything else including the XLerator with SCSI, PFG, Parallel card, X/ProFile, and 512K Apple RAM + 1.5MB RamStak function just fine when used with the new PSU. Add the LisaDAC, however, and we get Error 47 on cold boot. Choosing "Restart" and ignoring the error by choosing "Startup from..." allow the Lisa to continue without issue, but it seems that Error 47 is inevitable with the LisaDAC installed.
I shall put the original PSU back into this particular machine.