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Author Topic: Working within environments  (Read 3321 times)


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Working within environments
« on: September 12, 2024, 06:43:33 pm »

Some questions for you all regarding environments:

1.  I noticed that none of the files that I have in Workshop 3.0 are visible from the GUI - is there no way to access this space (files in workshop) from the Desktop GUI?

2.  In workshop BASIC errors out with an error "Missing BASIC.OBJ"  - am I able to use the copy feature in workshop to copy the file I need here?

2.  How does one from the wokshop or GUI know how much disk space on the HD you have left?

3.  Maybe a silly question but when the machine hangs, short of pulling the plug - how do you do a hard reset?

Thank you!


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Re: Working within environments
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2024, 07:46:51 pm »

1. Not built-in to the Lisa Office System, no. (I see that implies there is a way, but there are none that I know of. A utility could be written of course, or discovered somewhere...)

2. Yes, I suspect something like that is all that is needed (although maybe it is a path problem, others are better informed than I).

2. In the "File Manager" chapter of the Workshop User Guide (available on BitSavers), there is the "Online" command which shows free blocks. IIRC, in the GUI you click on the drive icon and then there is the equivalent of a show info menu item, but I MNRC.

3. On the rear of a physical Lisa, there is a Reset button beside the RCA video output connector (between the rear panel connectors and the expansion slots). I sometimes connect wires between that and a normally open pushbutton switch in a convenient place so I don't have to get up and reach around. Sometimes it is also useful to connect an NMI switch like that.

« Last Edit: September 12, 2024, 07:48:56 pm by sigma7 »
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Re: Working within environments
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2024, 08:04:40 pm »

1. Not built-in to the Lisa Office System, no. (I see that implies there is a way, but there are none that I know of. A utility could be written of course, or discovered somewhere...)

There actually is such a utility: it's one of the demo programs distributed with the ToolKit. You need to compile it and install it into the Office System yourself. When you run it there, you have to tell it the exact name of the file you want to see (which you should have memorised or written down), and it will display the file in a window (so it probably ought to be a text file!). It's not very useful.

Some trivia for the original poster: there's no way to see Workshop files from the Office System, but you can reveal Office System files in the "File Manager" in the Workshop by NOT listing all files matching -XXXXX-= (where XXXXX is the name of the volume where you have the Office System installed) but instead by -XXXXX-{=. Files starting with { are hidden in the File Manager, and all Office System files have "real" filenames on the disk that look like {T12345}.

It may also work to list files matching -XXXXX-≠ (you type ≠ as Option-=), but I'm not sure: ≠ either means "show hidden files" or "list directories recursively".


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Re: Working within environments
« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2024, 12:05:04 am »

Thank you both! Appreciate the insights, and hidden tricks!
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