General Category > LisaList2

Imaging the Lisa 2 Widget 10 MB HD


Are there recommendations on how to back up the Lisa HD?   I have a floppy emu and I was thinking of creating 10 MB blank image - but not sure what I'd use to create that image - especially since it's running multiple environments.  I'm sure someone must have already figured this out - your help is appreciated!


A Floppy Emu will not help you very much as a backup medium, as the Lisa only knows how to use the floppy drive connector to speak to a floppy drive. (It's not like a Macintosh where the floppy connector can connect to an HD20 hard drive, for example.)

Instead, I'd recommend the following: work out a way to connect a serial cable to your Lisa, then use BLU to download an image of your hard drive to a modern computer with Xmodem.


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