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Author Topic: LisaList2 Marketplace Guidelines and Warning  (Read 2649 times)


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LisaList2 Marketplace Guidelines and Warning
« on: March 27, 2024, 03:25:26 pm »

This Marketplace is for Lisa related wanted/for-sale/commerce postings.


1. All transactions are at your own risk!

2. Beware of scams. The administrators of this site do not endorse or attempt to validate any postings, and may not even review some postings.


(These guidelines are subject to change without notice)

1. Postings must be Lisa related. Unrelated postings will be deleted without notice.

2. Any posting or portion thereof may be deleted if an administrator chooses to. In most cases a reason for doing so will be shown. However, any posting or portion thereof that remains is not endorsed or approved by the administrators.

3. An administrator may annotate a posting, for example to indicate it may be a scam or misleading -- this does not imply anything about any other posting.

4. Prices are allowed.

5. Attachments must be modest in size; if you have large or multiple attachments, put them on another site and post a link to them.

6. Links to other sites (eg. eBay or an eCommerce site) are permitted if the posting includes a suitable description of what the linked item is.

7. Trolling, Fishing, and other manipulations are prohibited.

8. Interpretation and enforcement of these guidelines is at the sole discretion of the administrators.

Recommended Details

As a posting here may have worldwide viewers, we recommend that you include:

For physical items:
- Your approximate location, available shipping methods
- Operational condition (eg. guaranteed-working, tested-working but not guaranteed, non-working, unknown)
- Authenticity (eg. Apple-original, Apple-original with non-Apple repairs or modifications, unknown, reproduction, counterfeit)
- Description and photos of any damage (eg. corrosion, cracks, missing components)

For non-free items:
- Asking price (or budget for WTB), currency, acceptable methods of payment
« Last Edit: September 14, 2024, 07:48:06 pm by sigma7 »
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