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Author Topic: ESProFile - A Powerful ProFile/Widget Emulator and Diagnostic Tool  (Read 15271 times)


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Re: ESProFile - A Powerful ProFile/Widget Emulator and Diagnostic Tool
« Reply #45 on: March 11, 2025, 07:29:31 pm »

We are completely off topic, but I want to share this:
Code for a SCSI driver for early Macintosh computers, written in 1985:
Unfortunately, the full code is not present, only parts of it.


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Re: ESProFile - A Powerful ProFile/Widget Emulator and Diagnostic Tool
« Reply #46 on: March 11, 2025, 08:29:04 pm »

AI has done what they usually do when they don't know what they're talking about, which is to give you an attractive-looking lie.

I'm intrigued by the potential to train some AI thing by feeding it valid Lisa documents and known-working code. Much easier done by those who (think they) control the AI, but I think the possibility is there for those of us on the outside to influence its learning.

I tried to get Chat-GPT to help me with some 6504 code for BLU; after I managed to correct some misunderstanding it had about the 6504, it could make an improvement, but it would soon revert to its misunderstanding when I tried to get back to the original objective. So as far as I'm concerned, it wasn't ready to learn something new, but I can see how a Chat-GPT expert could make much better progress than I.
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Re: ESProFile - A Powerful ProFile/Widget Emulator and Diagnostic Tool
« Reply #47 on: March 11, 2025, 08:42:50 pm »

Code for a SCSI driver ... the full code is not present, only parts of it.

The LSAC (and the QuickBoot derivative) has basic bare-metal SCSI functionality for the Lisa SCSI. I hope to open-source the code at some point, but am currently dealing with another's effort to "open-source" another piece of my work before I'm ready to do so, which isn't encouraging for the time-line.

Regardless, I may be happy to help someone else if they take on the LOS SCSI driver project.
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