(C) Copyright 1983 - UniSoft Corporation
68000 Unix System V - August 1983
Created Fri Jul 13 10:01:43 PDT 1984
UniSoft Systems distribution system release 1.1
Available user memory is 779776 bytes
Microdiskette with 1 head
Where is the swap area?
Enter: 'p' for the builtin disk or a profile disk
'c' for Corvus disk
Where will the disk be?
Enter: '0' for builtin port
'1' for Expansion Slot 1, Bottom Port
'2' for Expansion Slot 1, Top Port
'3' for Expansion Slot 2, Bottom Port
'4' for Expansion Slot 2, Top Port
'5' for Expansion Slot 3, Bottom Port
'6' for Expansion Slot 3, Top Port
swapdev = 0x1
2 serial ports
No dice with the above patched disk. Both my efforts and the linked above only get me as far as here in the boot process. After that, nothing - no floppy, no Profile, no keyboard. Just a softlock until I press the power button. I threw the images into IDLE for fun and it hung here as well. The manual also seems to mention the 2/10 and Mac XL most often; maybe UniPlus depends on a weird quirk of the 2/10 that isn't present in the 2/5?