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 on: June 15, 2024, 03:06:14 pm 
Started by Al Kossow - Last post by Al Kossow
Do you have much experience debugging the DS101 board?
I've been off building a 40 pin cable tap for the analyzer, got it working last night and it does show the bits in
the right order. I also wired up two of the signals that aren't brought across, one is supposed to show if it passed
its self-test if i'm reading the docs correctly.

I am going to try poking at a SMART-E board with an arduino bolted onto the cable tap next, since I do have schematics for that, and it uses an 8085 and is a much simpler board. It uses the same interface protocol. That way I can follow everything that happens on the SMART-E after assertion of RST/

One thing I haven't tried yet is looking at the SMART-E board attached to the Lisa interface to see how it behaves

Will the DS101 pass self-test if no drive is connected?

 on: June 13, 2024, 10:45:05 pm 
Started by Al Kossow - Last post by sigma7
i've been staring at the logic traces and i think the data bits ended up scrambled somehow

I suggest connecting the logic analyzer to the DS101 itself for testing that all the circuitry before it has the bits connected correctly (perhaps you've already done so); then use service mode to poke the individual bits to confirm they are correctly connected and unique.

Since the protocol is so simple, you can also send basic commands and read responses interactively using service mode. (Although commands that involve data transfer would be more practically done by calling a routine.)

 on: June 13, 2024, 05:01:06 pm 
Started by Al Kossow - Last post by sigma7
i'm not sure if BLU has code in it to spin up the priam

When the Priam is selected as the object of any hard disk command (eg. identify device, read from, write to, etc.), BLU first attempts to verify there is actually a Priam there by sending it these commands:

$07 - Software Reset
$82 - Sequence Up & Wait
$08 - Set Logical Sector Mode

Not getting past the Software Reset command will prevent it spinning up. This would (probably) be the case if the controller has a self-test failure.

Edit: Selecting Logical Sector Mode is command $08 with parameter $40, not command $40

 on: June 13, 2024, 04:45:05 pm 
Started by Al Kossow - Last post by sigma7
In BLU, ID returns error 8000E5CB and spin down returns 9A40E5CB but I have no idea what those status bytes correspond to looking at the DS101 document

For BLU v0.92

Code: [Select]

* Priam Errors $yyzzE5xx ; xx are error code, yy is $80|transaction status (might be the same as the error code), zz is register 3 supplementary status
PriamErrCode EQU $E500
* when Priam returns an error, bits 6,7 are device select, so are always 0, so we set bit 7,6 for our errors
PriamErrIntNBsy EQU $E5C1 ; Priam did not accept command: "interface busy" not set
PriamErrCmdComp EQU $E5C2 ; Priam did not Acknowledge Command Completion: "interface busy" remained set
PriamErrNotRun EQU $E5C3 ; Priam is not attached or is not turned on
PriamErrWaitRFB EQU $E5C4 ; Priam did not Acknowledge Command Completion: "interface busy" remained set
PriamErrCmdRej EQU $E5C5 ; Priam rejected command
PriamErrInvSect EQU $E5C6 ; Priam invalid sector
PriamErrCmdTime EQU $E5C7 ; Priam command timeout with no data transfer nor completion request
PriamErrCmdCpl EQU $E5C8 ; Priam command completion timed out
PriamErrNoXfer EQU $E5C9 ; Priam asked for command completion before data transfer
PriamErrParity EQU $E5CA ; Priam parity error during read
PriamErrSoftR EQU $E5CB ; Priam error from software reset
PriamErrSoftRW EQU $E5CC ; Priam error waiting for register file free after software reset
PriamErrSeqUp EQU $E5CD ; Priam error from sequence up
PriamErrSeqUpW EQU $E5CE ; Priam error waiting for register file free after sequence up
PriamErrSetLog EQU $E5CF ; Priam error from set logical mode
PriamErrSetPrm0 EQU $E5D0 ; Priam error from set parameter 0
PriamErrSetPrm1 EQU $E5D1 ; Priam error from set parameter 1
PriamErrRdParms EQU $E5D2 ; Priam error from read drive parameters
PriamErrNotRdy EQU $E5D3 ; Priam error not ready for a command
PriamErrEndDD EQU $26 ; end of defect directory, not an error, but consumes this value
PriamErrNoDD EQU $27 ; no defect directory, not an error, but consumes this value

This error code info may change: now that I've seen the LOS Priam driver, I have worked a bit on improving the error reporting, mainly since my own DataTower is no longer working properly for mysterious (to me) reasons.

 on: June 12, 2024, 06:50:40 pm 
Started by stepleton - Last post by stepleton
Ha, glad it's handy. For best results, convert your images to grayscale before running the script. You will need to scale them to 720x364 ahead of time too. Good luck at the show!

 on: June 12, 2024, 05:47:11 pm 
Started by stepleton - Last post by AlexTheCat123
Alex or I might have to make use of this this weekend at VCFSW.

Yeah, this is really awesome, and some super great timing for VCF!

 on: June 12, 2024, 03:42:57 pm 
Started by stepleton - Last post by warmech
That's fantastic, man, and I love the name, lol! Alex or I might have to make use of this this weekend at VCFSW.

 on: June 12, 2024, 02:24:19 pm 
Started by stepleton - Last post by stepleton
As a bit of fun I decided to give a slide show presentation at work with my Lisa, and while it would have been nice to have made a fully-fledged ToolKit app, I settled for a really simple bare-metal program that reads data directly from the hard drive to the screen. If you can run Python code, it's not hard to make your own presentation --- just start here:

 on: June 11, 2024, 11:49:29 am 
Started by Al Kossow - Last post by Al Kossow

I'm thinking I just need to sort out the cabling situation between the controller board and the interface and also build a little priam tester out of an arduino. There really isn't a compelling reason to stick with the 25 pin connector of the original lisa priam interface card. I think I have the last known stash of datatowers (4 complete ones) and I don't have any cables. the controller card in the priam has a 40 pin ribbon connector, that gets converted to a 37 pin d-sub, then that gets converted to 25. You can just use a 37 pin on the lisa card then use a ribbon to 37 d or 40 ribbon on the other end.

 on: June 10, 2024, 08:51:44 pm 
Started by Al Kossow - Last post by Al Kossow
i've been staring at the logic traces and i think the data bits ended up scrambled somehow

it is active high logic on the bus, the boot prom goes

send command 7 soft reset
wait for status 16
send command 82 spin up and wait
wait for status 0

but what i see is
wr adr 0 01100001
rd 0  00000000
rd 0  00000101
wr 0 01101001
wr 2 00011001

also, i'm not sure if BLU has code in it to spin up the priam

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