first-generation Kensington Turbo Mouse 62350 trackball... features all 9 pins in its connector, unlike the Lisa's A9M0050 mouse and the M0100 mouse, where pin 6 is missing.
Pin 6 is an input for a third mouse button (which is not supported by any software that I know of). Since the trackball is powered by 5V and the input is tolerant of voltages 0 to 5V, I can't imagine an electronic problem could arise.
However, pin 6 of the mouse port is also connected to pin 25 of the back panel parallel port of the Lisa 1/2 (not connected to the parallel port in the 2/10), and designated "CHK" on the schematic. I believe this isn't used by the ProFile (perhaps it is for use by a parallel printer -- anyone know?), but it might be wise to check the voltage on pin 6 of the mouse port if you have something attached to the back panel parallel port.
If you don't mind opening the trackball, I'd guess you'll find that there is nothing connected to that pin, so starting there may eliminate any worry.