IIRC, the blink speed, key repeat delay, and double-click speed are adjustable via a control panel. I suspect they currently have invalid values and setting them to one of the available radio-button choices will result in reasonable behaviour.
Wow, this answer is solid gold. Thank you!
Adjusting settings in the control panel fixes all issues.
Restarting the Lisa and keeping it plugged in the power outlet keeps the settings I chose.
But if I unplug the power and then boot it up again, we are back to "bad" settings (e/g/ no cursor speed is selected, hence the cursor blinks rapidly, the lisa prints multiple symbols per keystroke, double-click does not work).
I did the same test with the good I/O board:
If I unplug the power and then boot it up again, it forgets the last settings I chose, but it reverts to "good" settings (cursor blink speed of "2").
So why this different behavior on the good and bad I/O board?
Is there some Prom chip on the I/O board that keeps "good default settings"?
At positions 1B and 2B I see ICs "SCM21C14E" (1K x 4 CMOS Static Low Power Ram). I assume one of them is the PRAM that stores the control panel settings until power is removed?
If I can't fix the I/O board , perhaps using a MacWorks Plus II board would fix it, as it has "256 bytes of non-volatile EEPROM that retains Macintosh PRAM settings while Lisa is unplugged".