I think that's a fair offer.
But feel free to read my mail, which I sent you directly on your account - with further Information about the disks, the manuals and the versions
greetings: TOM from a snowy Bavaria, the country of the marvellous castles of Koenig Ludwig, the Alps, the original Octoberfest in the center of Europe
Am 24.01.2006 um 09:19 schrieb Toni.Theilmeier_at_email.domain.hidden:
> I hope I«m not doing something improper here, asking a question about
> money, but here goes:
> I have been offered privately a set of LISA manuals and software disks;
> seven books and 12 disks with standard programs in all. These are in
> German and were, I believe, shipped with a machine.
> I have no idea about LISA prices, this is my first exposure to
> something
> connected with LISAs, and have been asked to pay the equivalent of
> about
> 150 US-$ (I«m in the Euro-zone here). Does that sound reasonable?
> Thanks for your ideas.
> Regards, Toni Theilmeier, near OsnabrŸck, Germany.
> P.S.: This goes to show again that eBay isn«t everything. I«m not even
> a
> member.
> --
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