Just a quick thought... where are you located? This sounds like an international supply of some type 240V 50Hz only. That would most definitely prevent it from doing much of anything if you're in the states. Do you have the model number off the supply?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike" <michael.sherry_at_email.domain.hidden>
To: "LisaList" <lisalist_at_email.domain.hidden>
Sent: Friday, January 06, 2006 4:26 PM
Subject: Help with a dead PSU?
> Hi there, what with the spirit of the new year etc, I decided to have
> another crack at my dead Lisa. First off I put the power supply into
> another Lisa, which also failed to boot, so logic would seem to suggest
> the PSU ;-)
> Took the top off expecting to see capacitor leakage, but , i really can't
> see anything that looks too bad. Have a look at :
> http://homepage.mac.com/juddamac/PhotoAlbum1.html
> I have a mulitmeter, a soldering iron and a will to succeed, but not much
> of a clue where to start, any suggestion on the most likely comonents to
> cause a problem ? (checked the fuse !)
> Also this Power supply is nothing like my functioning 1.8amp supply. I
> suppose it must be the 1.2amp variety but the label says 220-240v 50hz
> .7A 150W. .7A ???
> Many thanks
> Mike
> --
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