I think there are a couple of typos here (in the sector offsets: 0x62 and 0x149), so don't apply these patches using the lisafsh commands until Ray and I sort them out.
[Ray wrote:]
>c) To assert CMD after BSY interrupt is enabled and accept fast response
>Sectors: $22 (#34), $CF (#207), $183 (#387)
>Search: 02 00 00 02 0C 00 00 02 66 80
>Replace: 4E 71 08 EB 00 04 00 01 60 80 (change 9 bytes)
>editsector 0x62 4E 71 08 EB 00 04 00 01 60 80
>editsector 0x70 4E 71 08 EB 00 04 00 01 60 80
>editsector 0x149 4E 71 08 EB 00 04 00 01 60 80
James MacPhail "Think not of engineering as art, uo957_at_email.domain.hidden but of art as engineering" Sigma Seven Systems Ltd. james_at_email.domain.hidden <http://SigmaSevenSystems.com>Received on 2007-08-17 18:50:26
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