Re: MacXL - Crash

From: <stuart_tom_at_email.domain.hidden>
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 07:08:55 -0700

Well, here's what I know now:

(Fyi, the HD is a scsi from Sun)

Cleaned all contacts all boards, reseated xlerator cleaned pins, removed hd, tested.
The pattern on screen changed from fairly random lines and boxes to a checker board with 1/2 inch black squigles on white background at the top. It beeps twice and ejects diskette. Re-insert diskette and ejects it. Tried different diskettes, all the same.

Removed xlerator and replaced w/cpu. Same results.

According to the Lisa/XL manual(Dafax-blue cover) I have, 2 beeps means memory. I have an extra memory board that I bought 8yrs ago, I guess because I tried to fix it back then.

So I swapped out and shifted and rotated all cards, same results.

Now I'm back to where I was 8 years ago...

Whats next ? (I've convinced myself I'm fixing it this time !!!)

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