take a look at eBay Item Nr.: 140165313628
On 29 Sep., 22:20, Blair Aakre <baa..._at_email.domain.hidden> wrote:
> I have an XL that I would like to convert back to a Lisa 2/10 and run
> the Office System. However, I have the 341-0348 video state ROM as
> well as the XL boot ROMs. I can program my own boot ROMs, but I don't
> know about the video state ROM. Does anyone know anything about this?
> Could I just get a blank part and copy over the contents from a
> 341-0229 (Lisa) video state ROM? Anyone know what the blank part is
> on the Lisa?
> Thanks,
> Blair
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. Received on 2015-07-15 16:42:39
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