ich wäre sehr an den Images interessiert! Könntest du mir diese zukommen lassen?
> I´ve done it !!!
> I´ve received a parallel card for my Lisa. THANKS to John Woodall from
> VintageMicros !
> Installed LOS3.1D could be copied.
> I connected my external 5MB ProFile and I could do a backup from the
> internal 10MB Widget drive (containing about 4MB)
> Then I replaced the Widged with the X/ProFile.
> Lisa could boot from the ext. ProFile and I could restore all to the X/
> ProFile.
> But not enough ...
> I´ve also backed up the LOS3.1D Widget to disks. Worked GREAT !
> Then I´ve made images with diskcoy4.2 using my PowerBook 190 and
> transfered them to my PC.
> Using LisaEM I generated a harddisk image, booted english version
> (disk 1) of LOS3.1 and I could do a restore of the generated disk
> images to LisaEM.
> Everything worked PERFECT !
> THANKS to all !
> Andreas
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