Where can one (or many) find the schematics for all the boards (CPU, I/ O)? I've seen the PS board schems but that's about it.
On Apr 22, 11:22 am, Ray Arachelian <r..._at_email.domain.hidden> wrote:
> Peter wrote:
> > I'll second that request. I would happily pay someone to work on my
> > Lisa's.
> Most of us are hobbyists, so while some of us might be able to repair
> and fix some Lisa problems, there just aren't enough spare parts to fix
> everything, and you'd need to find someone who does electronic repairs
> for a living. Even then, some of the Lisa parts are very difficult to
> replace.
> Additionally, Lisa's are about ~50LBS/22KG, and that's going to be very
> expensive to ship.
> Your best bet is to find a TV/radio repair store and print out the
> schematics and see if they'd be willing to try a repair.
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