On Mar 19, 7:19 pm, gilles <gilles.fe..._at_email.domain.hidden> wrote:
> > Well, that would be handy. I want to install it on my X-profile or
> > IDEfile (I got both).
> then use my Xprofile transfer tool :)...
> I will had pages on my site about unusual lisa OS.. some day... (but
> can send by email :) )
> > Also I have another question. I have been going through and cleaning
> > up my backup HD's (what a mess) and I found some images in the Lisa
> > folder that I have no idea what they are. Can any one explain what the
> > following are:
> I also have those, but they don't seem to run on my emulator... didn't
> try lisaem or my real lisa...
> > I also have:
> > and
> > ST 2-DISK
> > I didn't think small-talk can run on a lisa so maybe they are in the
> > lisa folder by mistake.
> never tried, also somewhere on my disk...
> > finally...is 'Lisa calendar' an app that's well known or easily
> > available. I have a copy, and if it's not I can put it somewhere for
> > people to download.
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