I just became the owner of the Apple Lisa Computer Data project on
Wolfram Alpha Volunteer Central. I have almost all the specs filled
out, but there are a couple points where I'm stuck. Also, I want to
run the data by this community before I send it out to be etched in
stone. Here's what I have:
Manufacturer: Apple
Model: Lisa 1 (this is the only model for which I'm collecting the
data, at least for now)
Date Announced: January 1983
Date Released: June 1983
Date Discontinued: April 1985
Original Price: $9985
Number Sold: 100000
Operating System: Apple Lisa Office System
Height: 350 mm
Width: 475 mm
Depth: 388 mm
Weight: 22 kg
CPU: Motorola 68000
CPU Speed: 5 MHz
RAM Speed: 1.25 MHz (converted from 800 ns, as listed in the Lisa
Hardware Manual)
Audio Processor: Motorola 3417 (I saw this mentioned in the 1981 Lisa
Hardware Manual, but not the 1983. I actually doubt this is the case.
Can anybody verify this?)
Audio Processor Speed: 16 MHz (same here)
Graphics Processor: ? (Here is where I'm really stuck. The video is
controlled by a bunch of logic chips that just read the image from RAM
and send it off to the analog video circuitry. There's no processor of
any kind. What should I put here? Leave it blank? None? N/A? Motorola
Graphics Processor Speed: 5 Mhz (same here; I'm just copying the value
from CPU Speed)
Graphics Memory: 32 KB
Display Type: CRT, monochrome
Display Size: 10.595 in (calculated from what the Lisa Hardware Manual
says; other sources say 12 in. Which one is right?)
Cassette Tape Drives: 0
3.5" Floppy Drives: 0
5.25" Floppy Drives: 2
Internal Hard Drive: N/A
External Hard Drive: 5 MB
Other Storage Devices: N/A
Interface: keyboard and mouse
Ports: 1 parallel, 2 serial, 1 mouse, 1 keyboard, 1 composite video
Expansion Slots: 3 internal
http://www.1000bit.it/support/manuali/download.asp?id=186 (Lisa
Hardware Manual 1981; anyone got a better link?)
Any corrections? Clarifications? Advice? Wolfram Alpha wants sources
for everything I put in there, of course, so please point me to any
that can help.
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