LYRIX1.dc format byte @0x51: 12
LYRIX2.dc format byte @0x51: 12
XENIX_BOOT.dc format byte @0x51: 12
XOS1.dc format byte @0x51: 12 XOS2.dc format byte @0x51: 12 XOS3.dc format byte @0x51: 12 XOS4.dc format byte @0x51: 12 XOS5.dc format byte @0x51: 12 XOS6.dc format byte @0x51: 12 XOS7.dc format byte @0x51: 12
now I need to remember how I got or converted those files... maybe it is somewhere on this list
I'll dig in my old laptop and/or my beige G3.
Le dimanche 21 janvier 2018 17:07:01 UTC+1, Al Kossow a écrit :
> I have a set of Xenix floppies. Will check them.
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