>>Anyone out there have a Lisa Priam card? If so, I have questions for you...
>Nope, but describe it to me and we may be able to go from there.
Priam made an external hard disk tower for the Lisa, it included a special interface card that went in one of the expansion slots.
The card I'm looking for is the same shape as the dual parallel port card, but with a different (larger) connector on the back, and with a Priam label.
>If I remember right the internal HD was a Priam, right?
As far as I know, all the internal Widgets were Apple's "own" drive/design, but they may well have subcontracted some portions of it.
James MacPhail "Think not of engineering as art, uo957_at_email.domain.hidden but of art as engineering" Sigma Seven Systems Ltd. james_at_email.domain.hidden <http://SigmaSevenSystems.com>
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