Random Notes from the List Mom

From: Dan Knight <listmom_at_email.domain.hidden>
Date: Sun, 23 Feb 2003 16:00:40 -0500

It's a sunny, chilly February day in Michigan. Some of the snow is slowly melting. And I'm as caught up with the last 7-10 days worth of list messages as I can be.

Due to some configuration changes (specifically changing the IP address of the server itself), I've missed all list messages from sometime Thursday morning until earlier today. I don't know what's been going on on the lists, and one of the nannies is sending copies of several digests to me. Once I receive those, I'll send out a plea for missed digests.

I'm working with the nannies to establish more specific policies on when, why, and how we ban and/or block subscribers, deal with violations of list policy, etc. If we decide to make these available to the public, I'll send out a general announcement.

If you want to be unsubscribed from a list, change to digest mode, or change your email address -- and the list server is uncooperative -- first check that you are using the same address you used to subscribe. If it still doesn't work, be sure to mention the name of the list(s) you want updated.

BTW, there is no automated process for changing your email address. Subscribe from the new address, confirm the subscription, wait for messages to start coming in, and then unsubscribe from the old one. Once our own list server software is up and running, this and other things will be much easier to do both via email and using a browser.

We are offering $6/year email addresses at lemlists.com, which is not run on our very own server. The server is hosted by Coleman Web-Internet Services, and Ryan Coleman is the system administrator. More details at <http:/lemlists.com/>. These addresses are only offered to members of our email lists.

We will also be offering email addresses, webspace, and other services using the lowendmac.net domain shortly. We should even be able to handle publication of iCal calendars and provide iTools-like access to your storage space. More details on that soon.

Finally, there has been some question as to what is on topic and off topic on our lists. If the question involves a computer covered by the list, it's almost undoubtedly on topic. This includes getting software and printers to work. If it involves politics, it's definitely off topic. Let's try to stick to Macs and the programs we run on them and the peripherals we use with them.


Dan the listmom

Dan Knight, president, Cobweb Publishing, Inc.
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Send list messages to: <mailto:lisalist_at_email.domain.hidden> To unsubscribe, email: <mailto:lisalist-off_at_email.domain.hidden> For digest mode, email: <mailto:lisalist-digest_at_email.domain.hidden> Subscription questions: <mailto:listmom_at_email.domain.hidden> Archive: <http://www.mail-archive.com/lisalist%40mail.maclaunch.com/> Using a Mac? Free email & more at Applelinks! http://www.applelinks.com
Received on 2003-02-23 13:04:59

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