No idea, all I can tell is this is a 2/5 as there's a LisaLite in there, and the floppy drive doesn't look like a 400k, maybe it's an 800k, if so it came from SunRem, which indeed did sell SCSI cards.
I've seen two types of SCSI cards in photos, some could mount the hard drive on the card itself and provided power from the card. It's possible SunRem made a custom sled and cables to allow it to use the power from the 2/5's harness and snake out a SCSI ribbon cable internally.
The 20/30/40M SunRem made drives have a 2nd board and use the same ProFile protocol. I don't see that board here - and it would be very obvious if it was there, so yeah, leaning towards SCSI. If there were photos of the back with the cover off, it would be a lot easier to tell.
The sled the drive's in seems pretty interesting as it's plastic. It might be a 3.5" to 5.25" PC sled, but drives from that era usually had brass ones - at least the ones I remember. This one seems to have two metal plates on the sides, possibly to bridge the distance for a Lisa drive cage vs a PC one?
There is a bar code on top of the drive, but it's fuzzy so you likely wouldn't be able to use it to get a part number - would be useful if we could.