Re: Some Lisa Disk Image

From: Jerome Vernet (Orange) <"Jerome>
Date: Tue, 06 Mar 2007 07:36:19 +0100

Ray Arachelian a Žcrit :
> They're encoded with MacBinII or something. I was able to strip the
> headers for some of them using a tool I found on sourceforge (
> ), since StuffItExpander
> seemed to have trouble with them.

I can decode them with stuffit, giving .image file, but that's not dc42 files. There is a Mac tool with it, I will try to make real disks, then convert them to dc42 images.


> The others seem to have a strata of junk at the top, looks like a bunch
> of A5's, so either that tool failed in stripping off the MacBin header,
> or they're in a different format, or otherwise broken.
> Jerome Vernet (Orange) wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I found some Lisa Disk images here:
>> But Lisaem cannot open these disk ??? Why ???
> >
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