Ray Arachelian a Žcrit :
> http://lisaem.sunder.net/downloads.html
> This includes OS X PPC, win32, Linux binaries, PDF documentation, as
> well as
> source code.
> I didn't get a chance to build the OS X Intel version, I'll do that tonight
> and post it up tomorrow. (Or you can just compile it yourself.)
Yeaaah !!!
First bug report: on my iBook G4, I have this message at launch: Your display is only (11745488,-1073747296). This mode needs at least (1480,1192).
It's the 10.3.7 version, so I will build it with 10.4.8 to see if there is any differences.
> A ROM dumper will be available in about a week. (Thanks James!)
> Enjoy.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> LisaEm Known current Bugs for 2007.03.14 version
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> * Native printing is still broken
> * Serial port option TelnetD crashes/locks up
> * Skins on/off option sometimes needs to be forced.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Lisa Emulator Change History http://lisaem.sunder.net/
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 2007.03.13 - found a fixed config bug: serial b options copied from port a.
> - added a switch to turn off power to the virtual Profile before
> power on. This allows you to prevent the boot ROM's Power on
> self test to automatically boot from the Profile. It's useful
> when you need to repair the Profile since it allows you to
> boot from "Lisa Office System 1/5" and then power on the
> Profile drive to repair the file system.
> 2007.03.11 - Proper BMP's are now generated for printing, conversion to PNG
> format works, but is a little bit off - background is gray,
> should be white as in paper white.
> - added command line ability to load preferences file when
> launching. i.e. ./lisaem ~ray/macworks.lisaem will open the
> macworks.lisaem preferences file from user ray's home.
> 2007.03.10 - getting closer on proper BMP generation for printing
> - added throttle setting to global preferences.
> - added ROM checksum failure warning on power on. If the ROM is
> broken, it can crash the emulator.
> 2007.03.09 - skins on/off added to Display menu.
> - found IW linefeed pixel bug (lack of initialization)
> 2007.03.08 - video modes are a bit smarter - if display size is too small,
> will refuse to change video modes and will instead switch to
> lower mode, or shut off skins.
> - re-enaled 2Y and 2X3Y video modes (skinless of course.) with
> checks for display size.
> - skin/less mode switch no longer requires restart of emulator.
> Extra space past display region is blackened to ameliorate
> window
> sizing bugs.
> - Preferences "Apply" button (was save in preview versions)
> closes
> Preferences window.
> 2007.03.06 - added skinless option (bug: size of window is too
> small/off). One
> blit less during skinless mode so it's a bit faster on older
> machines.
> - NMI key can be forced now.
> 2007.03.02 - Video mode, sound effects, asciikeyboard as globally saved
> prefs.
> - added Sound Effects checkbox.
> - debugging printing - somehow all pages show up black.
> 2007.03.01 - added NMI key to keyboard menu.
> 2007.02.28 - new IW code printouts sort of works.
> 2007.02.21 - Added Preferences panel for printer settings.
> 2007.02.20 - added size dialog box when creating profile (5/10MB, etc)
> 2007.02.18 - unified build.sh
> 2007.02.05 - I/O ROM version was getting clobbered by code in floppy.c to
> 0xA8 via a #define.
> 2007.02.03 - cheat_ram_test now a preference.
> - if starting without ROM, dialogbox is shown, then
> preferences are
> shown asking for config.
> - bug fix: after closing preferences, re-opening caused segfault.
> - finer speed control - much closer.
> 2007.02.02 - fixed floppy insert on power off
> - fixed floppy trapping on insert of non-DC42/bad disk image.
> - fixed "Clock is not set" dialog box
> - fixed ContrastTrails (linx/win32)
> 2007.02.01 - fixed raw kb entry - but CPU clock is still too fast.
> 2007.01.31 - fixed bug causing random crashes, mostly during LOS
> install. Was
> off-by-one array overflow related to ReDraw_* fn's.
> >
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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