so could we modify an Xelerator or another accelerator to work with lisaos ?
On Jan 4, 2:17Êam, Ray Arachelian <r..._at_email.domain.hidden> wrote:
> On 01/03/2012 06:43 AM, barana wrote:
> > I remember reading apple slowed down the Lisa to 5mhz as the ram in
> > the quantity needed to talk to a 8mhz 68000 was prohibitive.
> > Ê Is it possible to upgrade the ram to something that can handle 8mhz
> > and bring the 68000 up to 8mhz?
> > I know there are accelerators availible but iirc, they only work with
> > Macos
> Not easily done as the timing ties itself to the video refresh. ÊYou'd
> have to not just upgrade the RAM, but also modify the video timing as
> well. ÊProbably would need to modify the VSROM to your new changes.
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