Re: Doubts linking a program with the Pascal Workshop

From: Raul Murillo <raul.murillo_at_email.domain.hidden>
Date: Sun, 20 May 2012 16:33:44 +0200

<x-flowed>Both, the behaviour is the same in the emulator and in the real Lisa, I received the same message in the both systems.

I'm using a real Lisa 2 with an external Profile.


El 20/05/2012 8:33, Natalia Portillo escribi:
> El 19/05/2012, a las 20:06, Raul Murillo escribi:
>> Dear friends,
>> I'm trying to compile and modify the program «boxes« coming with the Pascal Workshop version 3.0. It is an example about how to use the 3D Quickdraw in the Lisa computer.
>> I'm able to compile the boxes.TEXT file without any error, the problem arrives when I try to link it with the required libraries: iospaslib (for general purpose programming in Pascal), iosfplib (for floating point arithmetics), graf3D and the support library for quickdraw. The 'boxes' program uses the Quickdraw routines contained inside the INTRINSIC library. I receive this message:
>> *** Warning - Conflict with Intrinsic Unit Name: ***
>> Unknown Data Intrinsic Data
>> *** Error - Undefined data area: ***
>> I didn't find the Quickdraw library inside the 7 floppies of the Pascal Worshop. The explanations from the manual doesn't match exactly with what is happening.

>> Where is the error?
> Emulator or real Lisa?
>> Thanks and regards,
>> Raœl
>> --
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Received on 2012-05-20 13:28:34

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