Re: Lisa 1 on Ebay

From: Steve Hatle <shatle_at_email.domain.hidden>
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 2010 15:41:05 -0600

You¹ve caught me away from home and my ³archives², but I know the Xenix images are available for download out on the ŒNet. I just don¹t have the bookmark here. If you don¹t have any luck, contact me off-list.

I think a straight through male/male parallel cable will work. You might have to pull a pin out with a needlenose pliers at one or the other end; again, my memory and notes/links/parts are at home. I can dig if you need me to. Otherwise one of the other listers might come up with the answer first.


On 1/18/10 2:13 PM, "chandra bajpai" <cbajpai_at_email.domain.hidden> wrote:

> I bet you you have Lisa Xenix (a Unix clone).  I've never seen a complete set
> of installation disks for it.
> I'd love to run it on the emulator if anyone has a copy (or a copy of the Lisa
> development system).
> Anybody have a spare Profile-to-Lisa cable? or tell me how to make one?
> -Chandra

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