On Jan 24, 2013, at 10:27 PM, Andreas_210 <katertom01_at_email.domain.hidden> wrote:
> Hello,
> sorry for a bit offtopic.
> I hope there are some Apple III users here, who can help me.
> I have a working original Apple III System Demo disk and I want to do a copy / backup for safety.
> This disk seems to be copy protected.
> I´ve tried ADT on an IIe and made a diskcopy to a PC and back.
> Also I´ve tried to copy with SOS 1.2.
> The copied disk boots and stops with :"SYSTEM FAILURE $06"
> I´ve also tried the diskimage "Apple3SystemDemo.dsk" from
> Does anyone know how to solve this problem ?
> Or an other forum where I can ask this question.
> Thanks a lot.
> Andreas
> --
> --
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