Re: Installing Xenix (again)
>Does anyone know the procedure for installing Xenix?
I'm no *nix expert, but this has worked for me:
- "startup from" Apple-2 (floppy)
- "boot" prompt appears
- just press <return>
- display shows fd(2,0)xenix for a while, then screen goes black, then
white again, then various loading messages including "no single-user
login", "entering maintenance mode", eventually ending up at the prompt (#).
- type hdinit <return>
- it asks if you really want to wipe out your hard disk
- type y <return>
- it asks if disk is 5 or 10 MB
- type 5 <return>
or 10 <return>
FYI, I believe you must use 10 on a Mac XL (2/10) and 5 on a Lisa 1/2. This
is due to some parts of xenix assuming the disk size corresponds to the I/O
Board ROM.
- wait while drive is initialized
- eventually says something like ##normal shutdown##
- turn off and on, or press reset
- at the "Startup from" menu, type Apple-3 (Apple-1 does not work for me)
- "boot" prompt appears
- type pf(0,0)xenix <return>
- display goes black, displays loading messages, yada yada yada, eventually
asks if you want to put /usr on a second ProFile
- type n <return>
(or y <return> if you have another ProFile connected to slot 1 lower)
- asks if you want to load the rest of the OS from floppy, then the
development system, etc.
- eventually you get to the # prompt where you can issue *nix commands,
such as ls for a listing (like dir in DOS).
- the next time you start up from the HD, you don't get asked about /usr
and installing the extra stuff.
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