On 1/6/07, Ray Arachelian <ray_at_email.domain.hidden> wrote:
> If it really needs a low level format, you're pretty much out of luck as
> no one we're aware of knows or is able to low-level format a Widget
> drive. A few people can low-level format ProFile drives with a special
> ROM and an Apple II, but even this is rare.
> I'd try to reinstall LisaOffice if at all possible. If the drive has
> too many bad sectors (and its spare table is full), however, it will not
> install.
> cyelvington_at_email.domain.hidden wrote:
> >
> > Hello list,
> >
> > I have a Lisa 2/10 that has been in the shop for over a year now for
> > various repair reasons. I have been collaborarting with the
> > repairperson about trying to get this thing fixed one way or another,
> > and he and I have come to the conclusion that the Widget drive needs a
> > low-level format. However, we lack the software to do this. Does anyone
> > know how or where we can obtain the software to low-level format the
> > disk?
James (future Lisa owner, I hope)
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