Note to Yahoo users

From: Dan Knight <dan_knight_at_email.domain.hidden>
Date: Sat, 25 Aug 2001 12:29:30 -0400

As Artie Johnson used to say, "Verrrrry interesting -- but stupid."

Some Yahoo users have noted problems posting to the lists. One member forwarded his email and asked why the problem. What I discovered was quite interesting.

This person's email address was of the form "user_at_email.domain.hidden" -- or so he thought. But his subscription to the list read "user_at_email.domain.hidden"
-- not quite the same, at least as far as the list server is concerned.

Still, the list server should have returned the message as undeliverable, but he wasn't getting bounces. What in the world was going on?

I looked at the return address of the email he sent me. It read "user_at_email.domain.hidden" -- and when I attempted to reply to that address, Yahoo bounced it as undeliverable.

Yep, things are so messed up at Yahoo that they're changing the return address in user email, not only preventing them from posting to lists, but also keeping bounces from reaching them and quite possible keeping a lot of people besides me from responding to their email by hitting Reply.

If you're a Yahoo user and unable to post or just wonder why people may not have been responding to your emails recently, I suggest you contact Yahoo and look into the matter.

Sometimes free really is worth no more than you pay for it. :-(

(On the other hand, the folks at JMUG <> are offering free email to list members -- and it's POP email, so you can read it with your email program, not just via your Web browser.)

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