> An update on the situation: After it managed to run an hour without
> shutting down, I decided to see if the screen dimming was a part of the
> problem. In the SunTrol, I changed the dimming time from 2 minutes to 30
> minutes. I then tried printing out the two-page document during which the
> unit had been shutting down. I managed to print two copies, as well as a
> couple of aborted printings. On the approx. fifth attempt, I started the
> print job, then about a minute later, the unit shut itself off (I didn't
> spot an error message before it kicked out). So much for the screen
> dimming hypothesis. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
> -Adam
> --
> Adam Vaughn
> Collector of old computers, video game systems, radios and other
> electronic
> equipment...
> Visit my page at
> http://www.electronixandmore.com/adam/index.html
>> Patch information for MacWorks Plus 1.0.18...
>> There are no guarantees, use this information at your own risk.
>> To apply the patches:
>> a) In (a copy of) the MacWorks Plus Installer, use Fedit or an
>> equivalent
>> and look in the DATA fork to search for the "find" data (in hex), and
>> replace with the data shown.
>> b) Use the modified installer to 'Update MacWorks' on your parallel
>> port
>> hard disk, and restart to load it.
>> Notes:
>> - All of these patches only occur once; the find data is unique
>> - If you can't locate one or more of the "find" data sequences, perhaps
>> your copy is already (or partially) patched; search for the
>> data-as-patched
>> to confirm. Some application's search functions require that you reset
>> the
>> edit point to the first sector in order to search the whole file.
>> - If you are using an LSAC or QuickBoot, apply the patches to the MW+
>> file
>> in your System folder (make a backup first)
>> - These patches do not apply to MacWorks Plus II (it already includes
>> these
>> and many other bug fixes)
>> 1) This patch is for the "extra line feed per page" bug in MacWorks Plus.
>> Find (once): 7210 6100 03E4 47EA 007C 2A9B
>> Replace with 720E 6100 .... (only change the first word)
>> 2) The following patch attempts to fix the bug in MacWorks Plus which
>> would
>> cause disk access in progress to fail when the screen contrast changed.
>> Find (once):
>> 2F0C 287C 00FC D901 08EC 0002 0010 08D4 0002 197C
>> 00FF 0018 1944 0008 08EC 0007 0010 0894 0007 08D4
>> 0007 08AC 0007 0010 422C 0018 0894 0002 285F 4E75
>> Replace with:
>> 2F0C 287C 00FC D901 002C 0088 0010 1F2C 0078 1F2C
>> 0018 1F14 0894 0003 197C 00FF 0018 1944 0078 0894
>> 0007 08D4 0007 189F 195F 0018 195F 0078 285F 4E75
>> 3) Patch for the shutdown bug in MacWorks Plus:
>> Find (once): 0300 207C 00FC DD81 2248 2448 5C4A
>> Replace with 0700 207C .... (only change the first word)
>> HTH,
>> James
>> >IIRC, 1.0.18x has three patches applied (vs 1.0.18). I'll see if I can
>> >dig
>> >up what these are supposed to fix; it could be the shutdown bug is one
>> >of
>> >them.
>> >
>> >>I should have mentioned before, mine is running MacWorks Plus 1.0.18.
>> >>Would this version still be prone to spontaneous shutdowns? It's never
>> >>shut itself off before, until I hooked a printer to it, and left it
>> >>alone
>> >>for a couple of minutes.
>> James MacPhail "Think not of engineering as art,
>> uo957_at_email.domain.hidden but of art as engineering"
>> Sigma Seven Systems Ltd.
>> james_at_email.domain.hidden <http://SigmaSevenSystems.com>
>> --
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