> Hi,
> I have replaced all old electrolytic caps and the power surge caps in my
> Lisa- no more problems- and the Voltages are more stable than ever before.
> I have even exchanged all electrolytic caps in the video circuit- the
> picture is now much better- the slight jitter is gone.
> I'd recommend everyone to exchange all electrolytic caps inside the PSU
> and
> the Video circuit- it makes a big difference and protects the Lisa for the
> future.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Chris Riedl" <zap_at_email.domain.hidden>
> To: "LisaList" <lisalist_at_email.domain.hidden>
> Sent: Wednesday, November 02, 2005 9:37 AM
> Subject: Re: Taking apart Lisa - cleaning
>> Well, that was certainly an interesting escapade. Apparently a power
>> supply cap blew up sometime in the past, and there was crusted
>> electrolyte
>> all over the one side. Some cleaning of the chassis and case later, I
> have
>> got the Lisa booting up. However, it just appears as if the Widget is
>> not
>> present to the system, as it only shows the floppy for startup. The
> Widget
>> spins up and sounds normal, but I guess it isn't being seen by the
> hardware.
>> Any suggestions or things to try to pinpoint this further?
> I'd recommend to turn the voice coil actuator manually during the spin-up,
> self test procedure of the Widget.
> Sometimes it helps....
> Helmut
> --
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