Guten Tag Herr Tom von Bayern (der Landt des Neuschwannstein und Graf von
Ludwig II),
> This [Lisa] is the first commercial computer on this planet using the GUI
Please do not forget the XEROX STAR which was a commercial computer
introduced in 1981 that had a very nice GUI interface.
Though it cost quite a bit (around $30,000 minimum) it had some very nice
features and its underlying software architecture was many years in advance
of other architectures (including some parts of the Lisa). The Star could
not sit on a desk, it was really ment to be placed beside a desk. It used 8"
floppy disks (believe it had 2 disk drives) and a hard drive, believe was
around 10-30 MB in size, 3 button mouse, large bit-mapped monitor, desktop
metaphor (though drag-and-drop was not an integral part of the desktop),
very nice fonts, laser printing, and networking.
>From: tommoni <tommoni_at_email.domain.hidden>
>To: lisalist_at_email.domain.hidden
>Subject: Re: Anybody got a non-working Lisa (1) to dump?
>Date: Thu, Jul 31, 2008, 12:11 AM
> Hi everybody,
> after reading all this more-or-less funny articles in the LisaList
> about giving away a Lisa 1, I have to write a few lines here. Perhaps
> this text explains, how rare a Lisa 1 is; and in deed IT IS!
> Approximately 20 years ago, there was a sold out auction in a factory
> near my hometown. In this factory there were made HiFi components,
> TVs, videorecorders and later on computers, too. In early till mid
> 80ies they developped an Audio-IO Card for the Apple Lisa, but
> unfortunately the Lisa was not long enough for sale and only few
> people could afford to buy a Lisa, and it seems nobody really needed
> this Audio-Card. I don't know if they ever sold a few of them or if
> they did all the engineering work and finally dumped the whole stuff :-)
> Well, back to the sory: I read a line in the newspaper, that there is
> an auction and decided to have a look. When I arrived, there were not
> many people there (if I remember right: about 10 or 15) and when the
> auction started, the guy sold the stuff of a complete engineering
> department. When I say "complete" that's exactly what the word
> "complete" means. You could place your bid on complete rooms,
> including furniture, equipment, plants a.s.o. The most people only
> wanted to buy an office chair, table or shelf and it seems I had been
> the only one, who was looking for a computer. Finally I got the whole
> furniture of 1 room, which had been the prototype engineering
> devision in this factory. I went home to ask a friend, whether he can
> help me with his VW-Van and when we arrived again a sad looking guy
> stood there and watched us carrying away the stuff. When we stored
> all that in the VW he came and gave us a small box with floppies and
> said: I worked there for years ... and perhaps you will find the
> software here very helpful...
> I never met this guy again, but I can tell you, what sorts of
> computers I stored in the VW:
> plenty of boards, hard drives, floppy-drives, PSUs, cards for Lisa 2
> 1 Apple Lisa 1
> 7 Apple Lisa 2
> 1 Apple Lisa Prototype
> BUT, before 100 guys from the LisaList ask me now, whether I will
> give my Lisa 1 away, I have to tell you: I sold her years ago... The
> collector from Switzerland bought the "old Lady of computing" and I
> was very astonished, when I saw an auction on ebay about a Lisa 1
> half a year later. I checked after the auction had ended that this
> item (formerly my Lisa) was sold to a guy in USA for a bit more than
> 15000 USD. But this was 7 or 8 years ago...
> Any futher questions?
> I hope nobody is really intending to dump a Lisa... or crazy enought
> to modd the case. aaaaaarrrrrrggggghhhh
> My heart's bleeding!
> Blasphemy!!! Don't kill a Lisa, that way!
> This is the first commercial computer on this planet using the GUI
> A milestone in computer history
> Don't forget that!
> greetings TOM from Bavaria, the center of europe, the marvellous
> castles of Koenig Ludwig e.g. Neuschwanstein and last but not least
> the original Oktoberfest in Munich
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Received on 2008-07-31 18:21:18