>> And the following Lines are very interesting, cause Jef Raskin didn't
>> agree with Bruce Horn's notes, so a very very very interesting
>> discussion began and there you can read some remarkable facts, who
>> cloned what (or even copied from whom) and then tried to tell the rest
>> of the world that something revolutionary new has been invented.
> To put some things into perspective... Apple copied some stuff from
> Microsoft Windows as well, for example tabs, which appeared in Windows
> 95 first -- or even in some Windows 3.x apps -- and then later in Mac
> OS 8. The whole concept of ExposŽ is said to have been researched in
> Microsoft before Panther (but this might be as well an overstatement...
> or the case of parallel research on similar topics).
> And while Microsoft might've started on a wrong foot, some
> human-computer interaction experts believe now that Microsoft innovates
> in GUI and UI fields much more than Apple. For example, you can
> routinely see many Microsoft employees at the biggest conferences in
> the field, while Apple people are sadly absent. Also, the whole Mac OS
> X is considered very conservative, and dock the biggest GUI blunder in
> ages.
> Marcin Wichary
> e:\> mwichary_at_email.domain.hidden
> w:\> www.aci.com.pl/mwichary >> Attached
> w:\> www.aci.com.pl/mwichary/gui >> Graphical User Interface gallery
> w:\> www.10yearsofbeingboring.com >> 10 years of Being Boring
> w:\> www.usability.pl >> Usability.pl
> --
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