I'm very interested in the internal Profile materials- how can I get it from
you ?
By the way: Is it ok to copy the LLF EPROMs for everyone who needs it to
repair his Profile hard disk?
I think that Apple's copyrights for the Profile (and Widget?) ended in 1998-
there shouldn't be any legal problems- do you know more about this problem?
> The same applies also to the
> Widget drive in the Lisa.
No, this is not true: You need a modified Lisa with an Apple internal LLF
utility to perform a Low Level Format.
I know an Apple technician who has repaired my widget and performed a LLF.
He won't give away his knowledge or the utility software.
Thanks in advance,
Helmut Post
P.S.: Do you know my friend Patrick SchÅ fer ? He has built an IDEFile emulator for the Lisa (and Apple III)
> ----------
>> From: "Dr. Helmut Post" <helmut_post_at_email.domain.hidden>
>> To: "LisaList" <lisalist_at_email.domain.hidden>
>> Subject: Re: Lisa 2/5 Profiles crash
>> Date: Wed, Oct 19, 2005, 8:16 AM
>> You need an Apple III with a Profile Interface card, a Low Level format kit
>> (Apple III disks plus Z8 processor with LLF EPROM's) to format your Profile
>> hard disk.
>> There is no book or service web site as far as I know.
>> Helmut
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