Re: [LisaEm] disk sizes, organization, and bugs. (was Re: [LisaEm]LisaCalc not working)

From: Jerome Vernet (Orange) <"Jerome>
Date: Sun, 04 Feb 2007 21:08:58 +0100

Ray Arachelian a Žcrit :
> Jerome Vernet (Orange) wrote:

>> LOS 3.1/LisaCalc 3.0
>> It may be because the Emulated Porfile is full. How create a 10Mb Profile ??

> Not very likely, I have plenty of space on my 5M profile. Well, quite
> likely if you told it to share the profile with MacWorks.

Yes, it was the point. LOS report 400 block free on the Profile, but this cause in fact any LisaTool to crash -not the tool itself but Lisaem, I think-.
> If you want both MacWorks and LOS, you should create separate
> configurations. That is use the Open/Save Preferences commands under
> the File Menu. Create a config for MacWorks, another for Lisa Office
> System, and another for Lisa Pascal Workshop. The emulator will
> remember which one was last used and will open that one, but you can
> change it with the Open command.

That's what i'v finally done.
> Each configuration should have its own different ProFile drive. i.e.
> profile-mw.dc42, profile-los.dc42, profile-lpw.dc42.
> If you have the dual parallel rom, you can enable one or more of the
> slots to dualparallel and attach a profile drive to get more space that way.

I do not have this ROM, need to get them from my Lisa (I have two of these card). Same problem than for the Lisa ROM: how to get it ??
> Otherwise, you'll have to manually create a 10M disk image. Please note
> that I've not tested these. You can also use LisaFSH tool (from inside
> Terminal) to create an empty 10M profile drive like this:
> echo "quit" | lisafsh-tool --new lisaem-profile10.dc42 10M

It's working, LisaEm can use this disk image.
> Here's the log of changes made so far since the 2007.01.28 release.
> These fixes, and others, will be in the next version:
> 2007.02.01 - fixed raw keyboard entry - but CPU clock is still too fast,
> so getting key repeats occasionally.

Don't forget to look for international keyboard. even if I put my mac in US Keyboard, there is still some key missing of missplaced (dot, m, etc).

> One question I have: how well did MacWorks work for you guys and which
> version did you use? Early on, I was able to install MacWorks, but
> always had to boot off the floppy, even to start from the profile. Was
> I using the wrong version of MacWorks perhaps?

I'm using MacWork XL 3.0, when there is only macWork on the Profile, it will but from it, but if shared with LOS, it will boot on LOS only.

I tried to install LOS 2.0 from macmothership, but LisaEm say 'not DART disk' or something like that? I tried also some other disk, like Lisa Test for ROM H, not working too.

Is there some other software than on macMothership ? Any game, may be ?


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