Jerome Vernet (Orange) wrote:
> Yes, it was the point. LOS report 400 block free on the Profile, but
> this cause in fact any LisaTool to crash -not the tool itself but
> Lisaem, I think-.
Got it.
> I do not have this ROM, need to get them from my Lisa (I have two of
> these card). Same problem than for the Lisa ROM: how to get it ??
With a ROM dumper at this point. We're working on a program for this, don't worry.
>> echo "quit" | lisafsh-tool --new lisaem-profile10.dc42 10M
> It's working, LisaEm can use this disk image.
Ok, that's good to know.
> Don't forget to look for international keyboard. even if I put my mac in
> US Keyboard, there is still some key missing of missplaced (dot, m, etc).
The raw keyboard should work. I built those tables based on the HWG83,
so they may be wrong. Or it's more likely that I mapped them
incorrectly based on the wxWidgets key bindings.
> I'm using MacWork XL 3.0, when there is only macWork on the Profile, it
> will but from it, but if shared with LOS, it will boot on LOS only.
Ok, that makes sense, thank you.
> I tried to install LOS 2.0 from macmothership, but LisaEm say 'not DART
> disk' or something like that? I tried also some other disk, like Lisa
> Test for ROM H, not working too.
You can use lisafsh-tool to convert DART to DC42. It will do this
automatically. Same kind of thing as before:
echo "quit" | lisafsh-tool {path-to-dart-image}
If you give it /Users/ray/image.dart it will create /Users/ray/image.dart.dc42.
> Is there some other software than on macMothership ? Any game, may be ?
Possibly for the Mac. There are some here that may work inside
MacWorks, but likely not: and they're
likely in SIT format, not as disk images, so will be a bit hard to get
them over to the emulator.
Received on 2007-02-04 19:35:40
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