Ray Arachelian a Žcrit :
> Ray Arachelian wrote:
>> It seems to run ok on my G4 (1.4Ghz) mini, however I have to shut down
>> skins and change the display refresh rate to 12Hz or 8Hz, please try
>> that and let me know. On a 500Mhz G4 it is even slower, but with those
>> mode settings (skins off, 12Hz or better 8Hz refresh) it's workable.
> Actually don't use the 8Hz in this version, I missed a bit of code, so
> it reverts back to 60Hz. Please use the 12Hz option for G4's. Will be
> fixed in RC2, etc.
i'm already working with the lower refresh rate and RAW display. Even
then, it's slow.
Suprisingly, the first release was faster than the RC.
May be a problem with wxWidget ?
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