Re: 1.0.0 RC 1 is now available for download

From: Jerome Vernet (Orange) <"Jerome>
Date: Sat, 07 Apr 2007 08:07:07 +0200

Ray Arachelian a Žcrit :
> Jerome Vernet (Orange) wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Some things to see about wxWidget performances on macOsX, from reading
>> on the web:

>> - disabling CORE in wxWidget build is a very bad idea, at least on Tiger.

> Hi Jerome,
> Thank you for helping out. I appreciate your patience.
> The problem with enabling Core Graphics instead of Quicktime is that it
> will try to double-anti-alias the images making them look very ugly -
> you'll get vertical stripes, and it also seems to slow the blits down
> even more. :-(


I see for the bug with Core Graphics. Is it a wxWidget bug ?

Late in the night, I rebuild wxWidget 2.7.2, with ./configure --enable-optimise --with-opengl --disable-shared --enable-sdl

With CORE Graphics disabled

Then, I rebuild again Lisaem. And I got a working, fast enough, Lisasem build. No more colored wheel for 2-3 minutes before boot. No more colored wheel when switching from lisaem to another app. Low CPU usage (even at 16 Mhz). Shutdown is still slow and show the colored wheel for 10sec.

Lisaem report, at max speed, 53Mhz. That pretty curious, but seems to rely to wxWidget performances....

There is no screen update when typing, like windows version (try in LisaWrite: nothing appear when you type, move the mouse to refresh).

I also try with the latest wxWidget CVS (2.8.2), but Lisaem doesn't want to build (build errors on wxPrintDialog).


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