To low level format a ProFile, you need:
Patrick posted that he had written some LLF software (with one or more features currently not in BLU), possibly for a different host computer.
Al posted that there is stuff on bitsavers for this, presumably the EPROM image and the Apple /// software.
Note: The 5M ProFile LLF EPROM is programmed for use in a 2K Z8, while the 10M ProFile LLF EPROM is programmed for use in a 4K Z8 (the version in the eBay listing).
While it is probably possible to make some changes to the 5M ProFile LLF EPROM so it will work in a 4K Z8, I'm not aware of anyone having worked on it.
Good luck!
>I went ahead and bought a set of these on impulse while sitting in a
>restaurant---and maybe I should have waited a little longer. Are
>these chips only useful for 10 meg ProFiles? What about 5 meg
>versions? And don't you need a special ROM too? What about Widgets?
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