> Great that seemed to work. Thanks James. Just two more quick questions.
> Firstly, I have A8 rom so mine is a Lisa 2/5, so I have formatted my
> Xprofile drive as 5meg.
Hi Philip,
if you have an eprom programmer I can send you a .bin file with a patched
I/O rom (now it show H/89).It has only the ID changed. When Xenix check for
the rom version, any other ID than A9 is ok for to do not et errors during
the 10 mb. initialization procedure.
> Does anyone know what components of Xenix
> will fit in 5meg. Obviously it all wont fit as I found out. Starts
> giving me errors.
All the 7 floppies areinstalled, the Dev system, Multiplan and Lyrix, but not very much space is left....
> Secondly, after the install and re-boot, it prompts to push 'CONTROL
> D' to continue with normal operation, there is no control button on
> the lisa keyboard so I did 'apple D' instead (seemed to work).
Option+Apple+D is Control+D
> I then get a prompt for User login and password. Any idea what I
> should type here?
no initial password for root. After you can add/change it with "passwd". In maintenance mode, you can create new users with "mkuser". It's self explained.
But remember.... Xenix i an Operating System, not and Application. It must be amministred knowing well his commands and problems :-) Just a note... never just power off. Always use "shutdown 0" or "sync", "Haltsys" .... You will avoid to have to reinstall it due inode errors...
> Thanks
> Phil
> On Mar 8, 2006, at 8:57 AM, James MacPhail wrote:
> >
> >
> >> Does anyone know the procedure for installing Xenix?
> >
> > I'm no *nix expert, but this has worked for me:
> >
> > - "startup from" Apple-2 (floppy)
> > - "boot" prompt appears
> > - just press <return>
> > - display shows fd(2,0)xenix for a while, then screen goes black, then
> > white again, then various loading messages including "no single-user
> > login", "entering maintenance mode", eventually ending up at the
> > prompt (#).
> > - type hdinit <return>
> > - it asks if you really want to wipe out your hard disk
> > - type y <return>
> > - it asks if disk is 5 or 10 MB
> > - type 5 <return>
> > or 10 <return>
> > FYI, I believe you must use 10 on a Mac XL (2/10) and 5 on a Lisa
> > 1/2. This
> > is due to some parts of xenix assuming the disk size corresponds to
> > the I/O
> > Board ROM.
> > - wait while drive is initialized
> > - eventually says something like ##normal shutdown##
> >
> > - turn off and on, or press reset
> > - at the "Startup from" menu, type Apple-3 (Apple-1 does not work
> > for me)
> > - "boot" prompt appears
> > - type pf(0,0)xenix <return>
> > - display goes black, displays loading messages, yada yada yada,
> > eventually
> > asks if you want to put /usr on a second ProFile
> > - type n <return>
> > (or y <return> if you have another ProFile connected to slot 1
> > lower)
> > - asks if you want to load the rest of the OS from floppy, then the
> > development system, etc.
> > - eventually you get to the # prompt where you can issue *nix
> > commands,
> > such as ls for a listing (like dir in DOS).
> > - the next time you start up from the HD, you don't get asked
> > about /usr
> > and installing the extra stuff.
> >
> > HTH,
> >
> > James
> >
> >
> >
> >
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